An incredibly useful feature of the Angular CLI is ng-update, which provides a modification schematic for rewriting broken APIs as you upgrade across version of a library. The mechanism by which it works is that third party libraries provide a schematic with a special name, and then the ng-update command looks into the project for that schematic and executes it.

I’m working on a Python project called flaskerize that could, among other things, implement this functionality. We could easily implement such a hook in flaskerize like fz update that would really be just an alias for fz generate or something similar (here I have implicitly proposed that fz_update be the default schematic name).

See this issue for tracking updates.

The implications of this functionality would be profound. If these update schematics were incorporated into pip upgrade, it would be possible for library authors to relentlessly make breaking changes in their libraries without any concern for backwards compatibility provided that there was a schematic-upgrade path to migrate across versions. Enormous time and resources could be saved that are currently spent on managing long-term deprecation cycles as outdated parameters and APIs are moved. Instead, we would be moving towards a philosophy of forward-compatibility. This also puts the mental burden of bridging from an old library API to a new one on the library developers first and the consumers second, rather than the other way around.

I’m happy to hear thoughts on this on twitter or you can email me